Embodying Abundance: Series 3Embodying Abundance: Series 3Sat, Apr 5, 10:00Tara Yoga Centre • London£88Save Embodying Abundance: Series 3 to your collection.Share Embodying Abundance: Series 3 with your friends.
Flow & Sound: Embodying JoyFlow & Sound: Embodying JoySat, Apr 5, 16:30Flo Yoga Studio • London£22.38 - £31.05Save Flow & Sound: Embodying Joy to your collection.Share Flow & Sound: Embodying Joy with your friends.
Abortion, A History: Mary Fissell in Conversation - Gower StAbortion, A History: Mary Fissell in Conversation - Gower StWed, Mar 19, 18:30Waterstones • London£7 - £28Save Abortion, A History: Mary Fissell in Conversation - Gower St to your collection.Share Abortion, A History: Mary Fissell in Conversation - Gower St with your friends.
Embodying Earth - Meditation and Intuitive Movement classEmbodying Earth - Meditation and Intuitive Movement classTue, May 13, 10:30Hammersmith Quaker Meeting House • LondonSave Embodying Earth - Meditation and Intuitive Movement class to your collection.Share Embodying Earth - Meditation and Intuitive Movement class with your friends.
Breaking siloes: abortion beyond the clinicBreaking siloes: abortion beyond the clinicFri, Jun 20, 09:30Fetal Medicine Research Institute • London£11.55 - £38.62Save Breaking siloes: abortion beyond the clinic to your collection.Share Breaking siloes: abortion beyond the clinic with your friends.
Book launch: Emotional labour in oral history researchBook launch: Emotional labour in oral history researchWed, Mar 26, 16:00TM3-03, London Metropolitan University • LondonFreeSave Book launch: Emotional labour in oral history research to your collection.Share Book launch: Emotional labour in oral history research with your friends.
Book Launch: Ethnos of the EarthBook Launch: Ethnos of the EarthTue, Mar 18, 17:30QMUL Graduate Centre, Montagu Lecture Theatre (GC601) • LondonFreeSave Book Launch: Ethnos of the Earth to your collection.Share Book Launch: Ethnos of the Earth with your friends.
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CICC School – Book Launch: Decolonizing KnowledgeCICC School – Book Launch: Decolonizing KnowledgeThu, Apr 24, 18:00Ambika P3 • LondonFreeSave CICC School – Book Launch: Decolonizing Knowledge to your collection.Share CICC School – Book Launch: Decolonizing Knowledge with your friends.