Climate X Fashion X Textiles X Costume

Climate X Fashion X Textiles X Costume

Join us for changing ideas in fashion, costume and innovative textiles, addressing supply chains and waste, Thursday June 13, 2024, at 13.00

By Dr Jules Findley

Date and time

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:00 - 17:00 GMT+1


The RSA (Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce)

8 John Adam Street London WC2N 6EZ United Kingdom


Untitled agenda

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Climate x Fashion x Textiles X Costume

Dr Jules Findley

Professor Roberta Mock

Brief Agenda: Welcome, with refreshments; speakers then breakout groups; summary; tea and networking.

About this event

Welcome to Climate X Fashion X Textiles X Costume. Join Dr Jules Findley and Professor Roberta Mock for an afternoon where we explore the intersection of sustainability, waste and circular issues that affect design, procurement and making in costume, fashion and textiles. We will examine alternative solutions that enable practitioners in the creative and cultural and retail industries to embrace low/no waste and carbon alternatives.

Discussion sessions will focus on materials, methods, reclaim and supply chain areas that need changing in fashion, costume and textile industries. There will be opportunities for networking at the end of the event.

In bringing together costume, textiles, fashion, circular economy and sustainability science, we intend to explore how thinking together about net zero will add value to those working in all these fields. We are particulalrly interested in design practitioners work that might be better supported by textiles research and resources in order to make more environmentally conscious choices.

Confirmed speakers and participants include:

  • Alan Wheeler (CEO of Textile Recycling Association; The European Recycling Industries EuRIC)
  • Professsor Sandy Black (London College of Fashion, UAL)
  • Urs Dierker (Northumbria University, Acker-LAB)
  • Jacqueline Shaw (Supply Africa)
  • Sinéad Kideao (Costume Directory)
  • Ilaria Martello (Royal Opera House)
  • Dawn Dungate (Textile Recycling Association; East London Textiles)

Please come along on Thursday June 13, 2024 at 13:00 at The RSA (Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce). The event is free but tickets are limited and booking in advance is essential.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Frequently asked questions

I'd like to bring a colleague

No problem, just email me first and let me know their name etc. to

I have food allergies or intollerences

The food will be vegan choices, and we have some gluten free. Otherwise please email

Who is Jules?

Dr Jules Findley, Principal Lecturer at University of Brighton, has twenty years experience in fashion and textiles industries. She was Co-I on AHRC funded 'Sustainable Materials in the Creative Industries' project (2021) focusing on fashion, textiles and accessories.

Who is Roberta?

Professor Roberta Mock, Executive Dean at the School of Performing Arts Royal Holloway, University London, led 'Transitioning to Sustainable Production Across the UK Theatre Sector', project trialling the Theatre Green Book (2022), funded by ACE and Cultural Industries Policy and Evidence Centre.

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