Glasgow850: The Greek Revival buildings that inspired ‘Greek’ ThomsonGlasgow850: The Greek Revival buildings that inspired ‘Greek’ ThomsonSat, Mar 22, 13:00The Mitchell Library • GlasgowFreeSave Glasgow850: The Greek Revival buildings that inspired ‘Greek’ Thomson to your collection.Share Glasgow850: The Greek Revival buildings that inspired ‘Greek’ Thomson with your friends.
Glasgow850: Where ‘Greek’ Thomson WorkedGlasgow850: Where ‘Greek’ Thomson WorkedSat, Mar 29, 13:00The Mitchell Library • GlasgowFreeSave Glasgow850: Where ‘Greek’ Thomson Worked to your collection.Share Glasgow850: Where ‘Greek’ Thomson Worked with your friends.
Ancient Inspiration for Modern Living: Alexander Thomson and Owen JonesAncient Inspiration for Modern Living: Alexander Thomson and Owen JonesSat, Apr 5, 13:00The Mitchell Library • GlasgowFreeSave Ancient Inspiration for Modern Living: Alexander Thomson and Owen Jones to your collection.Share Ancient Inspiration for Modern Living: Alexander Thomson and Owen Jones with your friends.
An Evening of Poetry in Czech, English, and GaelicAn Evening of Poetry in Czech, English, and GaelicTomorrow at 17:30Bigglestones Books • GlasgowFreeSave An Evening of Poetry in Czech, English, and Gaelic to your collection.Share An Evening of Poetry in Czech, English, and Gaelic with your friends.
Gaelic Place Names of Scotland in our area - InverclydeGaelic Place Names of Scotland in our area - InverclydeSun, Mar 16, 16:00Beacon Arts Centre • GreenockFreeSave Gaelic Place Names of Scotland in our area - Inverclyde to your collection.Share Gaelic Place Names of Scotland in our area - Inverclyde with your friends.
Gaelic Bookbug at Falkirk LibraryGaelic Bookbug at Falkirk LibraryMon, Mar 24, 13:30Falkirk Library • FalkirkFreeSave Gaelic Bookbug at Falkirk Library to your collection.Share Gaelic Bookbug at Falkirk Library with your friends.
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Thistle Auto RevivalThistle Auto RevivalSat, Aug 23, 11:30Inglewood House & Spa • Alloa£95Save Thistle Auto Revival to your collection.Share Thistle Auto Revival with your friends.
Gaelic / English Bilingual Bookbug @ William Patrick LibraryGaelic / English Bilingual Bookbug @ William Patrick LibraryTue, Mar 25, 11:00William Patrick Library • KirkintillochFreeSave Gaelic / English Bilingual Bookbug @ William Patrick Library to your collection.Share Gaelic / English Bilingual Bookbug @ William Patrick Library with your friends.
Dalmuir Library Gaelic Bookbug SessionDalmuir Library Gaelic Bookbug SessionMon, Mar 17, 13:30Dalmuir Library • DalmuirFreeSave Dalmuir Library Gaelic Bookbug Session to your collection.Share Dalmuir Library Gaelic Bookbug Session with your friends.