East Midlands Microbiome Research Network (EMMRN) Research Day 2024

East Midlands Microbiome Research Network (EMMRN) Research Day 2024

Inaugural EMMRN One-Health Research Day, exploring the latest microbiome-related research and policy developments.

By Research and Strategic Partnerships Development Team

Date and time

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 · 9am - 5pm GMT+1


College Court

Knighton Road Knighton LE2 3UF United Kingdom

About this event

The East Midlands Microbiome Research Network (EMMRN) Organising Committee is delighted to invite you to the first EMMRN One-Heath Research Day, to be held at the University of Leicester on July 3rd 2024.

The EMMRN was launched in June 2023 to (i) bring together expertise from across the region, (ii) showcase world-leading microbiome-related research, and (iii) coordinate collaborative opportunities. The Network takes a One-Heath approach to understanding the complexities of the microbiome and aims to capitalise on academic and industry expertise across human, animal, insect, soil and plant microbiomes to facilitate multidisciplinary approaches to novel innovations with real impact.

Building on the momentum generated over the last number of months, this inaugural event will bring together researchers and companies from across the Midlands to hear about the current hot-topics within the microbiome landscape from national leaders in the field. The aim is to enable early career researchers and group leaders to update their knowledge of the field with the most recent advancements, and to network with each other to build collaborative links. This will be a hybrid event and attendance in person is strongly encouraged. In person places are limited to 100 people, if we exceed this limit you will be offered a to join online.

*****We strongly encourage registrants to submit abstracts. If you would like to do so, please indicate this during registration and note that the closing date for submission of abstracts will be Friday June 7th. Please use the link here to upload your abstract and indicate your preference regarding poster and oral presentations.*****

Event Details:

The programme will consist of:

  • Invited talks covering a variety of hot-topics and challenges in the field;
  • 16 flash talks drawn from submitted abstracts and posters
  • A panel discussion with a focus on influencing policy to address the levelling-up agenda, to harness the concentrated collection of leaders in the microbiome field, and provide an opportunity for raising awareness of this amongst the ECRs alongside giving them a forum to contribute
  • Several networking opportunities throughout the day

Full programme details will be announced in the coming weeks, however, we are delighted to confim the following speakers:

  • Lindsay Hall (University of Birmingham): Human gut microbiome: infant microbiome and health
  • Fiona Whelan (University of Nottingham): The human microbiome in the context of microbial pangenomics
  • Julie McDonald (Imperial College London): The mechanisms used by the human gut microbiota to protect against colonisation by multidrug resistant organisms
  • Roberto La Ragione (University of Surrey): Veterinary microbiomes and their influence on AMR in the context of Zoonotic and food-borne infections
  • Matt Hutchings (John Inness Centre): Environmental microbiome
  • Tania Dottorini (University of Nottingham)

Please use the link here to upload your abstract and indicate your preference regarding poster and oral presentations.

Industry engagement:

We invite applications from SMEs for innovation vouchers to support collaborative work with the NBIC Nottingham research team. Please request further information from nbic@nottingham.ac.uk and consider presenting a pitch at the event to share your need

Medilink Midlands will be provided with delegate and speaker contact details. Medilink Midlands will be using your data for the production and communication of the event, as the event management team appointed by the East Midlands Microbiome Research Network. Post event Medilink Midlands will remove your details from their system and they will not be used for any marketing from Medilink Midlands.

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