Examining Whiteness
We want to come together to address injustices and inequalities of racism through personal and collective work on the impact of Whiteness.
Date and time
Cornerstone Community Centre
Church Road Hove BN3 2FL United KingdomRefund Policy
About this event
Aims/ Agreements
Examining Whiteness is open to and welcomes Psychotherapists and Counsellors from all
backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities who want to actively address the injustices and
inequalities of racism through personal and collective work on white identity, power, privilege,
and complicity.
Before attending, white participants need to have taken steps towards learning about their
own racialized identity via suitable reading, peer, and supervisory discussion, and having
attended antiracism courses or workshops. This group is not suitable for white attendee’s
who have yet to begin this work. In addition, white participants need be prepared to
participate in and stay with, uncomfortable and difficult conversations in a respectful
environment. Our aim within the group is to de-centre our whiteness, own our complicity as
benefactors of racism both individually and structurally, and practice deep-listening and
centering of our colleagues of the global majorities’ lived experiences should they choose to
share them.
The group upholds the concept of confidentiality and aims to function with mutual respect
whilst offering sufficient challenge and support to allow the work to progress. Participants
need to know how to support themselves in this process. As therapists and trainee’s, we
need to monitor our own emotional and mental well-being vigilantly as this work takes us into
a field of historical, intergenerational, and ongoing trauma. By doing this work together we
hope to provide a starting point for dismantling the internal, relational, and structural racism
that persists within the profession.
White psychotherapists and facilitators, Frances Basset, and Brennan Holt, will hold the
group, which runs four times a year for half a day. All profits from this group are donated to
BAATN (The Black African, Asian, Psychotherapy Network)
Frances Basset is a Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Supervisor, and group facilitator with 20
years’ experience in private practice in Brighton and is a former Senior Lecturer at University
of Brighton where she led courses and modules in anti-oppressive practice across a range of
health care professions.
Brennan Holt is a Person-Centred Counsellor and Lecturer in Counselling. He has spent
years working in various group settings and believes strongly in their therapeutic potential.
Facilitators Statement:
We are facilitating this group because we no longer want to be part of a therapy profession
and world where clients, trainees and practitioners of colour continue to experience
oppression, discrimination, and harm, where their experiences are not heard and valued and
where white practitioners do not do the necessary internal and relational work to stop this
happening. We believe that if we, as white people, are going to grow personally and
professionally we need to confront where we come from and be willing to show up and take
responsibility for our complicity to our colleagues of the global majority in more respectful,
sensitive, and ethical relationships.
N.B. There will be a maximum of 20 Places at this event.
Please direct any further questions to Frances or Brennan on
email: frances@bassetconsultancy.co.uk