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Geoff Brandwood Memorial Lecture : Medieval myth-busting
A lecture by Dr James Wright at St Botolph without Bishopsgate
Date and time
Bishopsgate London United KingdomRefund Policy
About this event
Mediaeval parish churches are some of the oldest and most loved buildings in the British Isles. However, many unverified stories have grown up around them. This talk will look at some of the commonly repeated tales about the architecture of churches, which are widely assumed to be true, but which ultimately fall into the realm of folklore and myth.
These stories include doorways apparently blocked to keep the Devil out and windows said to allow lepers to watch view the Mass. These are tales repeated in good faith but are invariably without substance. We will look at the how churches were actually used before the Reformation. By applying contextual archaeological and historical evidence, the architectural functions of churches will be investigated and unlocked.
The speaker, Dr James Wright (Triskele Heritage), is a buildings archaeologist and the author of the popular Mediaeval Mythbusting Blog. His book Historic Building Mythbusting will be/was released via The History Press on 6 June 2024.
This is the second annual lecture in memory of the late Geoff Brandwood, a member of the Society's Council, who through his writing, lectuing and photography did so much to raise awareness and appreciation of our architectural heritage.
The lecture will take place in the parish hall (former school) at St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate, Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3T https://botolph.org.uk/plan-a-visit/
The Lecture will be followed by wine and light refreshments. The parish hall has its own entrance and is behind the church off Bishopsgate.
W e really want this to be a face-to-face event so we can meet each other and enjoy a glass of wine and snacks after the talks. For this reason, we are not going to be live-streaming or recording this event.
The lecture will take place in parish hall (former school) at St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate, Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3T https://botolph.org.uk/plan-a-visit/
The Lecture will be followed by wine and light refreshments. The parish hall has its own entrance and is behind the church off Bishopsgate.
The church is within a hundred yards of Liverpool Street Station so exit onto Bishopsgate and turn to your right.
Tickets at £17-50 and includes lecture, wine and light refreshments
If you need to book tickets by post, please send a cheque for £17.50 payable to ‘The Ecclesiological Society’ to: Fi Rosen, 28 Armory Lane, Portsmouth, Hants PO1 2PE. Please add your email address so that we can send you confirmation of receipt of your cheque and send you any necessary updates. If you would like confirmation in writing, please enclose a stamped address envelope.
Any queries about the evening should be made to admin@ecclsoc.org
Copyright for the photographs belong to Dr James Wright . They show St Thomas Beckett, Lewes and Langley Castle