Imagining Better Futures of Health and Social Care for People with ELCs

Imagining Better Futures of Health and Social Care for People with ELCs

Sharing findings from creative work exploring better futures of health & social care for people with energy limiting conditions. AHRC funded

Date and time

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 · 2 - 4pm GMT+1


To be announced

About this event

We are delighted to invite you to a zoom webinar launching of the creative works and research findings from our AHRC funded project Imagining Better Futures of Health and Social Care with and for People with Energy Limiting Conditions (ELCs)*

Zoom Webinar Wednesday July 17th 2-4pm BST

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

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We have worked with a team of creative practitioners including Khizra Ahmed, Khairani Barokka (Okka), Julian Gray, Mish Green and Louise Kenward. They have all created new work including a podcast, comic books, zines, art and creative writing.

Each piece was co-produced with women or people of marginalised genders (trans women, trans men, non-binary, intersex and gender nonconforming people) who live with ELCs. They took part in a series of workshops where they were asked to imagine what better health care would be like for themselves as they age, and for people who will be diagnosed with ELC in the future.

This event is a chance to celebrate the wisdom, resilience, creativity and care which participants so generously shared with us. The artefacts produced are profoundly moving and we are really excited to be able to share them with you.

We have used learning from the creative outputs in conversations with health and social care practitioners and policy makers. We will also be launching a policy brief at the event and discussing how we can improve services for people with ELCs.

We want to make this webinar as accessible as possible. Captions will be enabled and there will be a BSL interpreter. You do not need to turn your camera on and there will be a break in the middle. If there is anything else we can do to support your access needs please do get in touch.

We hope you can join us for what promises to be a very special event.

The Research Team
Everyone working on the project has their own experiences of chronic illness and/or disability. The project team was led by Professor Bethan Evans at the University of Liverpool working in partnership with Chronic Illness Inclusion, an organisation of people living with energy limiting chronic illnesses, Healing Justice London, a community-led health and justice organisation, and in collaboration with The Lantern Initiative, a social enterprise raising awareness of mental health issues in the Muslim community.

Principal investigator: Dr Bethan Evans from the University of Liverpool
Co-investigators: Dr Ana Be Pereira (Liverpool Hope University), and Dr Morag Rose (University of Liverpool)
Researchers: Dr Alison Allam (Independent Researcher), Dr Stephanie Davis (Healing Justice London), Dr Anna Ruddock (Independent Researcher,) Dr Aaliyah Shaikh (Independent Researcher).

*ELCs include neurological, musculoskeletal and auto-immune diseases, ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and Long Covid, amongst others. They involve energy impairment and debilitating fatigue that affect every part of people’s lives. For more information, on ELCs, see this webpage by Chronic Illness Inclusion:

This project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of a series of projects on the future of health and social care, funded to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the NHS.

We would like to whole heartedly thank everyone who participated in this project.

For more information please see

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