Open (as possible) research

Open (as possible) research

An Open Research Conversation at the University of Sheffield

By Scholarly Communications Team, The University of Sheffield Library

Date and time

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 · 5 - 6am PST



About this event

There's plenty of information available about the gold standard for open and reproducible workflows, along with clear guidelines on how to achieve it. But what happens when reaching that standard seems impossible—such as when using proprietary software? Is it an all-or-nothing situation, or are there steps we can take to make our workflows and data as open and reproducible as possible?

In this open research conversation, we'll hear from researchers and experts who have faced these challenges. They’ll share insights and practical tips on how to increase openness and reproducibility, even when the ideal solution isn’t feasible. Our speakers are Jez Cope (Data Services Lead at the British library and SSI fellow), Chris Stride (Senior lecturer and applied statistician at the University of Sheffield and founder of Figure it Out statistical consultancy and training), and David Wilby (Research Software Engineer at the British Antarctic Survey).

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