9.45 am Registration and coffee
10.30 am After the welcome and introduction to this year’s symposium which focuses on how the food of the past is presented in museums and historic houses, the morning session will begin with Jenny Cousins who will talk about the evolution and future of Britain's new Food Museum in Stowmarket. Marc Meltonville will then discuss how historic food recreations can be a tool for engagement.
12.15 pm – 1.30 pm Lunch
If you wish to participate in the communal lunch, please bring one item of food, home-made if possible, to serve 2-3 people, table-ready and labelled. Bread will be provided. Please indicate whether you intend to bring a savoury, sweet or salad contribution.
(Note that participation in the communal lunch is at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the ingredients or presence of any allergens as the foods are made in symposiasts own kitchens.)
1.30 pm The afternoon session will begin with Peter Brears who will look at the restoration of historic house kitchens. David Eveleigh will then talk about the role of antiquarians, connoisseurs and curators in the development of kitchen history in a museum context. After the afternoon break Neil Buttery will be “thinking outside the box” about inclusive food history at the Museum of Royal Worcester.
4.00 – 4.15 pm The symposium will finish with questions.
Please note that no recording or photography is permitted during the talks without prior permission from the speaker.