HR FundamentalsHR FundamentalsThu, May 22, 9:30 AMMount Business & Conference Centre • Belfast£270Save HR Fundamentals to your collection.Share HR Fundamentals with your friends.
Research Workshop: Migrant Community Language EnclavesResearch Workshop: Migrant Community Language EnclavesWed, Mar 12, 1:00 PMFellows Room • BelfastFreeSave Research Workshop: Migrant Community Language Enclaves to your collection.Share Research Workshop: Migrant Community Language Enclaves with your friends.
Parkinson's@NI Research and Community EventParkinson's@NI Research and Community EventFri, Mar 7, 10:00 AMTullyglass Hotel and Residences • BallymenaFreeSave Parkinson's@NI Research and Community Event to your collection.Share Parkinson's@NI Research and Community Event with your friends.
Research Workshop: Sexual Consent and Legal ReformResearch Workshop: Sexual Consent and Legal ReformWed, Apr 30, 1:00 PMFellows Room • BelfastFreeSave Research Workshop: Sexual Consent and Legal Reform to your collection.Share Research Workshop: Sexual Consent and Legal Reform with your friends.
12th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference12th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice ConferenceWed, Mar 5, 8:30 AMRiddel Hall • BelfastFreeSave 12th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference to your collection.Share 12th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference with your friends.
Launch of the Leaders Learning HubLaunch of the Leaders Learning HubThu, Mar 6, 2:00 PMThe Merchant Hotel • BelfastFreeSave Launch of the Leaders Learning Hub to your collection.Share Launch of the Leaders Learning Hub with your friends.
Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our FuturesOur Bodies, Our Rights, Our FuturesTue, Mar 25, 6:30 PMVault Artist Studios & Gallery - Marlborough House • BelfastSave Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our Futures to your collection.Share Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our Futures with your friends.
NIMO & WISTA UK Launch EventNIMO & WISTA UK Launch EventTue, Mar 4, 5:30 PMBelfast Harbour Commissioners Harbour Office • BelfastFreeSave NIMO & WISTA UK Launch Event to your collection.Share NIMO & WISTA UK Launch Event with your friends.
Pat Divilly - Belfast book launchPat Divilly - Belfast book launchTue, Mar 4, 7:00 PMCrescent One at Regency House • Belfast£12.62 - £29.95Save Pat Divilly - Belfast book launch to your collection.Share Pat Divilly - Belfast book launch with your friends.