Scrambling for Safety

Scrambling for Safety

FIPR: Helping policy makers understand what technology can and can't do.

By fipr: foundation for information policy research

Date and time

Thu, 28 Nov 2024 13:00 - 17:00 GMT


Friends House

173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ United Kingdom

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1:00 PM - 1:05 PM


Paul Whitehouse, Chair of FIPR

Chat Control, Backdoors &c

Chair: Prof Steven Murdoch, University College, London

Jen Persson, Defend Digital Me

Dr Claudia Peersman, University of Bristol

Robin Wilton, Internet Society

Providers of messaging services are increasingly deploying encryption technologies to protect the confidentiality of communications. As a result, providers can no longer access the content for their ...

2:10 PM - 2:40 PM

Coffee Break

2:40 PM - 3:45 PM

Online safety: expectation v reality

Chair Dr Monica Horten (

Dr Lisa Sugiura, Portsmouth University

Graham Smith, of Counsel at Bird and Bird, @Cyberleagle

Speaker (TBC)

On the first anniversary of the Online Safety Act coming into law, questions are being asked at the highest political levels about its fitness for purpose. The Act speaks to many issues on the new go...

3:55 PM - 5:00 PM

AI and Government Decision Making

Chair: Jennifer Cobbe, University of Cambridge

Michael Veale (UCL)

Gavin Freeguard (Connected by Data)

Sam Smith (medConfidential) and Swee Leng Harris (KCL)

AI and data increasingly used in policy and decision-making across government and the public sector in many countries – with vague promises of dramatic improvements to public services and real risk o...

About this event

FIPR are going to build on Professor Ross Anderson's legacy. This event aims to bring together stakeholders and policymakers and engage them in a constructive discussion.

Introduction, followed by these sessions:

  • Chat Control
  • Coffee Break
  • Online Safety
  • Government Decision Making & AI
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