Free storytelling workshops once a month.
You are welcome to join us!
🌟Every month we'll have a different workshop leader and a new subject. Many leaders are internationally known and renowned within the storytelling community. More detail about the workshops below.
👥 Some sessions are practical (standing up and joining in with new skills). Others are mostly discussion-based.
☕🍪We will be providing free teas and biscuits/crackers at ALL workshops from January 2025.
👀You can come and sit quietly and observe if you want to find out more before you join in.
Wed 22nd Jan Masterclass with internationally renowned storyteller Jan Blake This is mostly listening while Jan tells stories, talks about storytelling and opens a Q&A.
Wed 19th Feb Storytelling Workshop: 21st century repertoire with Stephe Harrop @stepheharrop Choosing which legends, myths and folktales to retell. Listening and discussion with Q&A.
Weds 19th March Kathak Dance Storytelling with Vaishali Raithatha @sunshine_smilesvr (watch Kathak dance and then get up and learn some movements for yourself- no experience required, wear comfortable clothes.)
Weds 16th April Your Voice part 2 "Character Voices" with Giles Abbott. This builds on last year's workshop but is open to all. Expect to be standing up, practising breathing and trying out new vocal sounds. Dress in comfortable clothes.
Weds 21st May Storytelling for Activism with Bernadette Russell @bernadetterussell Work on your own stories plus discussion and questions.
Weds 18th June Biographical Storytelling with award -winning Storyteller Danyah Miller @danyahmiller Listening, discussion and questions to help you shape autobiography or biography stories.
Weds 16th July Workshop TBA and I'm very excited about this one...
We are disability-positive and have fully accessible toilets and a fire-safe lift.
Everything is FREE, thanks to Southbank Waterloo Neighbours @sowneighbours and our crowdfunders.
Save the dates into 2025...
We are disability-positive and have fully accessible toilets and a fire-safe lift.
Everything is FREE, thanks to Southbank Waterloo Neighbours and Lambeth Together.
Space kindly donated by "Room for You: at The Bridge, a non-denominational charity which is separate from the church.